Last episode was the "wrap-up" of the Privateer Point battle, and for good reason. Today's strip is the last one filmed, well, on a bedsheet, with pillows for background. I'd like to believe it captures the more whimsical, childish aspects of Lego - like when I was a little kid and I played with them, and a staircase could be a mountain.
Now, next episode is the first strip to come out of the batch of pictures I took outdoors. Yeah, there are some flaws - and some things I reallllllly don't like, but didn't realize were in shots. That's kind of the risk of improving one's art, I suppose, and learning new techniques. But, overall, I love how the outdoors shots really make the world seem real. Above, and even in the Swiftshank/Whitesand bites, it looks fake. At least with strips #15 and #16, there's a good reason for the dark backgrounds. Above, it just...Pales.
Then again, this whole comic is about telling a story in a way I'm not used to, and in a way which doesn't always
have to make sense!