Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Episode 28: "Candlelight Connections"

First of all, all of the best wishes to those who have suffered and lost in Boston in the April 15th, 2013 attack on the Marathon.  It's a shame we live in a world where these kind of things happen.

So, we've come to the end of another batch of photos.  I'm debating whether or not to do a few episodes about Lostech and how it effects the world, mainly because they'd be relatively easy to set up and shoot.  But I'm also just trying to figure out how to best arrange the next real scene - the return of Habbo and Goldhook!  Chances are, I could do both.

Anyway, if you remember, we last saw our Pirate heroes fighting the Goblin sorceress, Bandihutu.  That did not end well for them, clearly, but just what is their fate?  Stay tuned, and as always - enjoy!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Episode 27: Candlelight Continuation!

I want to apologize for it taking so long to post.  Between a vacation, a return, and a pair of quick-succession illnesses I've been pretty beaten up.  Okay; that, and I've been promoting Protostar:  Memoirs of the Messenger rather heavily!  There's nothing I can really do about that, I'm afraid.  Sales have been unusually spectacular, and I have to keep pushing that forward.

That, and the weather has been way too damned unwieldy for me to actually go outside, set up, and shoot the next set of scenes.  After all, while we're just now meeting Victoria and Samuel, and we're getting to know Biran, we do need to find out whatever happened to Habbo and Goldhook - and whether or not Prince Darius is really planning to attack the Goblins who defeated our pirate "heroes!"