Alleronian Expeditionary Force - Characters

Alleronian Expeditionary Force

Samuel Of Bluefield
Samuel is a young man who joined the Alleronian military in the interest of serving his kingdom and finding his fortune.  During the battle at the Goblin Fortress, he began to experience strange symptoms of disassociation shortly before manifesting an aura Goblin King Gurubunder called, "mana, but not mana" as well as a defensive shield that seems to block magic.

Victoria Larriss

As she says, don't call her "Vicky."  Victoria recently graduated from the Academy of Magic in Troy.  She is most proficient with ice magic.  During the battle at the Goblin Fortress, Victoria has mostly stayed in the back and provided support, either by casting magic when necessary or by counter-spelling Goblin magi to keep them from making havoc.  She's even skilled enough with the flail to take a limb off a skeleton!

Monica Whitesand
Viewed as on-par with Admiral McSimmons and the knight Galliardo, Monica is one of the Alleronian navy's loyalest and most feared Admirals. She is proficient with water and ice magic, as well as lightning and even teleportation. More sharply, she wields a pair of broadswords into any melee combat, which she can use to cut cannonfire out of the sky. She is a fearful combatant in any circumstance, but her sense of honor won her a duel against pirate Admiral Marcus Swiftshank in a way that she might not have been able to overcome with brute force, alone.

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