Previously: Chapter 51 - Gurubunder's Sword And Armor | Next: Chapter 53, The Duel's Conclusion!
Start Over: Chapter #1, Habbo and Goldhook.
If you ever wanted to ask the author a question about the comic, writing in general, or anything else, please click this link and fill out this quick form! Thank you! I hope I have a lot of questions to answer!
For video of me editing the comic, click here!
Thanks again for reading.
We can see Gurubunder slowly but surely unveiling all of his arsenal against Darius, and we can see Darius struggling. Is the Prince really serious? Is he actually outmatched? We'll find out more next episode!
This holiday season, I don't have any funny comic panel to end on. I think that's fitting; it's been a difficult year. I don't have much to say about it, if I'm being honest. It's just the way cancer works, I guess. But I'm not here to be a downer, and I appreciate all of the support everyone has showed me throughout the course of this situation.
I do hope you've had a Merry Christmas, or whatever it is you celebrate. I meditated for a while on the Solstice, and it helped me tremendously. If you're the type, I suggest the same.
See you soon!
Start Over: Chapter #1, Habbo and Goldhook.