Thank you so much for reading! In a lot of ways, this is the most heavily worked-on chapter of Chronicles Of Alleron, yet. I spent a lot of time doing the small details, and it turned out pretty well. I tried to set this chapter up with a somewhat strict focus on Gurubunder's actions, so it's like the camera following him around as he acts.
I also experimented a bit more with framing panels differently, so they aren't all just the same page and whatnot. I still could composite things more, but taking pictures of Lego is quite hard (lots of bending over and sitting on floors, as well as fine motor skill issues).
I really hope you enjoy this one. Next time? Next time is Gurubunder vs Darius, and that fight could go a lot of different ways. I honestly haven't decided how it's even going to go, yet. I need some time to think about it.